Aug 152018
What we do: Strategic Planning and Organizational Transformation

We help organizations identify and implement strategic initiatives and improvements that boost performance at the level of people, technology, processes, customers and stakeholders as well as  financial performance. All done in an aligned and integrated approach that grows revenues and controls costs.    

Aug 012018
The Right Way to Lead Design Thinking

Excerpt from HRB article on Design Thinking: “Leaders can’t simply commission design-thinking projects and then step back. They must keep a watchful eye on them and be vigilant in recognizing moments when they need to engage with the team. They must help team members deal with the emotions and discomfort that are inevitable in such Read more…

Jul 302018
Data Science and the Art of Persuasion

This HBR article talks about how organizations struggle to communicate the insights in all the information they’ve amassed. Here’s why, and how to fix it.

Sep 162016
Lean Six Sigma Could Reduce Waste in Public Sector

If used strategically and well-implemented, Lean Six Sigma can be used to help reduce public sector debt given its ability to eliminate waste, improve efficiency and productivity and reduce costs. This could help ensure the sustainability of public sector programs. According to this survey of Lean Six Sigma experts and practioners, “Lean Six Sigma could help Read more…

Aug 242011

This article (by Martin Zwilling in Forbes, Aug. 20, 2011) provides a good summary of the relevant keys to business operational excellence for innovative start-up enterprises. “People and operational excellence have to converge in every business, large or small….All too often, entrepreneurs posit a new technology or idea, without understanding that a successful business is Read more…